id: 111818 accession number: 1930.336 share license status: CC0 url: updated: 2025-02-14 13:29:46.929000 Pawing Bull, 500–475 BCE. South Italy, Lucania, Greek. Bronze; overall: 10.6 x 5 cm (4 3/16 x 1 15/16 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art, Purchase from the J. H. Wade Fund 1930.336 title: Pawing Bull title in original language: series: series in original language: creation date: 500–475 BCE creation date earliest: -500 creation date latest: -475 current location: 102C Greek creditline: Purchase from the J. H. Wade Fund copyright: --- culture: South Italy, Lucania, Greek technique: bronze department: Greek and Roman Art collection: GR - Greek type: Sculpture find spot: catalogue raisonne: --- CREATORS --- measurements: Overall: 10.6 x 5 cm (4 3/16 x 1 15/16 in.) state of the work: edition of the work: support materials: inscriptions: --- CURRENT EXHIBITIONS title: The Silver Jubilee Exhibition opening date: 1941-06-23T04:00:00 The Silver Jubilee Exhibition. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (June 23-September 28, 1941). title: Juxtapositions opening date: 1965-09-11T04:00:00 Juxtapositions. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (September 11-October 10, 1965). title: Traditions and Revisions: Themes from the History of Sculpture opening date: 1975-09-24T04:00:00 Traditions and Revisions: Themes from the History of Sculpture. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (September 24-November 16, 1975). title: Ancient Art of Greece and Rome opening date: 1979-09-16T04:00:00 Ancient Art of Greece and Rome. Allentown Art Museum, Allentown, PA (organizer) (September 16-December 29, 1979). --- LEGACY EXHIBITIONS --- PROVENANCE Professor Heinrich Bulle, Würzburg, Germany date: Before 1930 footnotes: citations: The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH, purchased from Dr. Jacob Hirsch, through Harold Parsons date: 1930- footnotes: citations: --- fun fact: digital description: wall description: --- RELATED WORKS --- CITATIONS S. Wunderlich. "A Statuette of a Bull." The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art 18, no. 3 (1931): 52-54. page number: url: Jantzen, Ulf. Bronzewerkstätten in Grossgriechenland und Sizilien. Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 1937. page number: Pp. 13, 27, Taf. 9, fig. 38. url: Fraser, A.D. "The Bronze Bull in Cleveland," Humanistic Studies in Honor of John Calvin Metcalf, University of Virginia Studies, vol. 1 (Charlottesville, VA, 1941): 1-11. page number: url: Elderkin, G. W. American Journal of Archaeology 46, no. 1 (1942): 149 (review of Fraser 1941). doi:10.2307/499117. page number: url: Bieber, Margarete. "Greek Sculpture in the Cleveland Museum of Art," Art in America Vol. 31, No. 3 (July 1943). Pp. 113-114 (Fig. 3), 119. page number: url: The Cleveland Museum of Art. The Cleveland Museum of Art Handbook. Cleveland, OH: The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1958. page number: Mentioned and Reproduced: cat. no. 16 url: The Cleveland Museum of Art. Handbook of the Cleveland Museum of Art/1966. Cleveland, OH: The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1966. page number: Reproduced: p. 22 url: The Cleveland Museum of Art. Handbook of the Cleveland Museum of Art/1969. Cleveland, OH: The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1969. page number: Reproduced: p. 22 url: Cooney, John D. "A Medley of Bulls." The Bulletin of the Cleveland Museum of Art 58, no. 1 (1971): 10-19. page number: url: The Cleveland Museum of Art. Handbook of the Cleveland Museum of Art/1978. Cleveland, OH: The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1978. page number: Reproduced: p. 24 url: Holloway, R. Ross. Art and Coinage in Magna Graecia. Bellinzona [Switzerland]: Edizioni Arte e Moneta, 1978. page number: Pp. 55, 129 (ill.). url: Allentown Art Museum, Gloria Ferrari, and Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway. Aspects of Ancient Greece: An Exhibition Organized by the Allentown Art Museum with the Cooperation of Gloria Ferrari Pinney and Brunilde Sismondo Ridgway ... Allentown Art Museum, September 16 Through December 30, 1979. [Allentown, Pa.]: The Museum, 1979. page number: Pp. 208-9, cat. 101. url: The Cleveland Museum of Art. Handbook of the Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH: The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1991. page number: Reproduced: p. 8 url: --- IMAGES web: print: full: