id: 122844 accession number: 1943.107 share license status: CC0 url: updated: 2025-02-09 00:57:02.894000 Sampler, 1800s. England, 19th century. Embroidery; silk on woolen canvas; overall: 48.3 x 48 cm (19 x 18 7/8 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art, Gift of George W. Bierce 1943.107 title: Sampler title in original language: series: series in original language: creation date: 1800s creation date earliest: 1800 creation date latest: 1899 current location: creditline: Gift of George W. Bierce copyright: --- culture: England, 19th century technique: embroidery; silk on woolen canvas department: Textiles collection: Textiles type: Sampler find spot: catalogue raisonne: --- CREATORS --- measurements: Overall: 48.3 x 48 cm (19 x 18 7/8 in.) state of the work: edition of the work: support materials: inscriptions: inscription: above, left-hand stanza: "To the Flower called Forget Me Not./ Fond memory's Flower, of azure dye,/ Permit thy Bard one boon to crave,/ when in Death's narrow bed I lie,/ Oh! bloom around My humble Grave."; right-hand stanza: "And if some tender faithful Friend/ should, led by Love, approach the spot,/ And o er thy Flowers admiring bend./ Then say for me Forget me not!/ Mrs. Opie"; below basket of flowers: "Ann Rome." translation: remark: --- CURRENT EXHIBITIONS --- LEGACY EXHIBITIONS --- PROVENANCE --- fun fact: digital description: wall description: --- RELATED WORKS --- CITATIONS --- IMAGES web: print: full: