id: 142808
accession number: 1966.50.b
share license status: Copyrighted
updated: 2024-08-08 15:15:26.532000
Amalie, Ida, and Set Designs (Studies for Goll's "Methusalem") (verso), 1922. George Grosz (German, 1893–1959). Graphite; sheet: 52.7 x 38 cm (20 3/4 x 14 15/16 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art, Contemporary Collection of The Cleveland Museum of Art 1966.50.b © Estate of George Grosz / Licensed by VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY
title: Amalie, Ida, and Set Designs (Studies for Goll's "Methusalem") (verso)
title in original language:
series in original language:
creation date: 1922
creation date earliest: 1922
creation date latest: 1922
current location:
creditline: Contemporary Collection of The Cleveland Museum of Art
copyright: © Estate of George Grosz / Licensed by VAGA at Artists Rights Society (ARS), NY
culture: Germany, Berlin, 20th century
technique: graphite
department: Drawings
collection: DR - German
type: Drawing
find spot:
catalogue raisonne:
* George Grosz (German, 1893–1959) - artist
measurements: Sheet: 52.7 x 38 cm (20 3/4 x 14 15/16 in.)
state of the work:
edition of the work:
support materials:
description: cream wove paper (now discolored to light brown
inscription: verso, lower left, in graphite: No 22 [sideways]; lower left, in graphite: 1498a [upside down, circled]; upper left, in blue crayon: 33 [underlined]; by artist, center right, in graphite: blau; by artist, lower right, in graphite: rot; by artist, lower right, in graphite: gr; lower right, in graphite: 470 [sideways]; lower right, in graphite: mha; by artist, upper right, in graphite: [illegible] / No ["o" underlined twice] 7 Student / zu Methusalem / von Iwan Goll [sideways]; upper right, in graphite: [illegible] / 40.4126 [sideways]
title: Tendencies of the Twenties
opening date: 1977-08-14T04:00:00
Tendencies of the Twenties. Staatliche Museen Preussischer Kulturbesitz, Berlin 19, Germany (August 14, 1977-October 16, 1978); Städelsches Kunstinstitut im Städtischen Kunstinstitut Frankfurt am Main, Franfurt am Main, Germany (November 10, 1977-January 8, 1978).
title: Dada Revisited
opening date: 1978-06-30T04:00:00
Dada Revisited. Akron Art Museum, Akron, OH (organizer) (June 30-September 15, 1978).
* {'description': 'cma 1966; Berlin/Frankfurt 1977-78, 3/51, 3/261, fig. 3/663; London 1978, 94, fig. 4.34; Akron 1978; Boston/Fort Worth 1980-81 [12, 26]; Cleveland 1981, 29, no. 14 (repr.); Madison 1985-86, [3] (repr.), insert; cma 1989-90.', 'opening_date': '1951-03-01T00:00:00'}
fun fact:
digital description:
wall description:
Cleveland Museum of Art, Diane DeGrazia, and Carter E. Foster. Master Drawings from the Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH: Cleveland Museum of Art in association with Rizzoli International Publications, New York, 2000.
page number: Mentioned: P. 246-47, 297; Reproduced: P. 248, cat. no. 104