id: 145953
accession number: 1971.16
share license status: CC0
updated: 2025-02-15 12:46:38.561000
The Five Hundred Arhats, 1591–1626. Wu Bin (Chinese, active c. 1591–1626). Handscroll; ink and color on paper; overall: 39.5 x 2646.5 cm (15 9/16 x 1041 15/16 in.); painting only: 37.7 x 2347 cm (14 13/16 x 924 in.). The Cleveland Museum of Art, John L. Severance Fund 1971.16
title: The Five Hundred Arhats
title in original language: 五百羅漢圖
series in original language:
creation date: 1591–1626
creation date earliest: 1591
creation date latest: 1626
current location:
creditline: John L. Severance Fund
culture: China, Ming dynasty (1368–1644)
technique: Handscroll; ink and color on paper
department: Chinese Art
collection: ASIAN - Handscroll
type: Painting
find spot:
catalogue raisonne:
* Wu Bin (Chinese, active c. 1591–1626) - artist
Originally from Fujian province, the artist Wu Bin moved to Nanjing by 1600 where he was affiliated as a Buddhist layman with the Qixia temple. He specialized in landscapes and Buddhist subjects.
measurements: Overall: 39.5 x 2646.5 cm (15 9/16 x 1041 15/16 in.); Painting only: 37.7 x 2347 cm (14 13/16 x 924 in.)
state of the work:
edition of the work:
support materials:
inscription: 枝隱頭陀吳彬齋心拜寫 [印]吳彬之印; 文中父
inscription: 7 seals of Qianlong emperor (r. 1736–95):
Gu xi tian zi 古希天子;
Shou 壽;
Qianlong jian shang 乾隆鑑賞;
San xi tang jing jian xi 三希堂精鑑璽;
Yi zi sun 宜子孫;
Tai shang huang di zhi bao 太上皇帝之寳;
Qian qing gong bao 乾清宮寶.
inscription: 6 seals of Cheng Qi 程琦 (1911–1988):
Ke an geng zi wu shi yi hou suo de ming ji 可菴庚子五十以後所得名跡;
5 other Cheng Qi seals.
title: The Restless Landscape: Chinese Painting of the Late Ming Period
opening date: 1971-11-09T05:00:00
The Restless Landscape: Chinese Painting of the Late Ming Period. University of California, Berkeley. University Art Museum, Berkeley, CA (organizer) (November 9, 1971-January 2, 1972); Fogg Art Museum/Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (February 11-April 2, 1972).
title: Year in Review: 1971
opening date: 1971-12-28T05:00:00
Year in Review: 1971. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (December 28, 1971-February 6, 1972).
title: Asian Autumn: Masterpieces from the Collection
opening date: 1991-09-17T04:00:00
Asian Autumn: Masterpieces from the Collection. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (September 17, 1991-January 5, 1992).
title: The Art of Obaku
opening date: 1993-10-05T04:00:00
The Art of Obaku. Kyoto National Museum (organizer) (October 5-November 7, 1993).
title: Silent Poetry: Masterworks of Chinese Painting
opening date: 2015-11-14T00:00:00
Silent Poetry: Masterworks of Chinese Painting. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (November 14, 2015-April 24, 2016).
title: Taming Tigers and Releasing Dragons: Masterpieces of Chinese Buddhist Art – Chinese Gallery Rotation 240a, 241c
opening date: 2019-02-08T05:00:00
Taming Tigers and Releasing Dragons: Masterpieces of Chinese Buddhist Art – Chinese Gallery Rotation 240a, 241c. The Cleveland Museum of Art (organizer) (February 8-August 11, 2019).
title: Escaping to a Better World: Eccentrics and Immortals in Chinese Art
opening date: 2022-05-13T04:00:00
Escaping to a Better World: Eccentrics and Immortals in Chinese Art. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (organizer) (May 13-November 6, 2022).
* {'description': 'Eight Dynasties of Chinese Painting. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (February 10-March 29, 1981).', 'opening_date': '1981-02-10T00:00:00'}
* {'description': 'Chinese Rotation (Gallery 122). The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (July 21, 1999-April 26, 2000).', 'opening_date': '1999-07-21T00:00:00'}
* {'description': 'Main Asian Rotation (Gallery 122). The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH (August 1, 2002-July 23, 2003).', 'opening_date': '2002-08-01T00:00:00'}
Qing imperial collection (seals of Emperor Qianlong, r. 1736–1795)
date: 1736–95
Cheng Qi 程琦 [1911–1988] by descent to his son, Stephen O. K. Chen
date: 1960s?
Stephen O. K. Chen [20th century], New York, sold to the Cleveland Museum of Art
date: ?-1971
The Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH
date: 1971-
fun fact:
digital description:
wall description:
Bi dian zhu lin shi ju bao ji xu bian 秘殿珠林石渠寶笈續编. Taibei: Guo li gu gong bo wu yuan [National Palace Museum], 1971.(original text dated 1793)
page number: ch. 4, p. 55(b)
Chen, Rentao 陳仁濤 [J.D. Chen]. Gu gong yi yi shu hua mu jiao zhu 故宮已佚書畫目校注. Hong Kong: Dongnan shu ju, 1956.
page number: p. 40(a)
Cahill, James. The Restless Landscape: Chinese Painting of the Late Ming Period. Berkeley, CA: University Art Museum, 1971.
page number: Reproduced: cat. no. 77
The Cleveland Museum of Art. Handbook of the Cleveland Museum of Art/1978. Cleveland, OH: The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1978.
page number: Reproduced: p. 351
Ho, Wai-kam, Sherman E. Lee, Laurence Sickman, and Marc F. Wilson. Eight Dynasties of Chinese Painting: The Collections of the Nelson Gallery-Atkins Museum, Kansas City, and the Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH: Cleveland Museum of Art, in cooperation with Indiana University Press, 1980.
page number: Reproduced: p. 263, cat. no. 205
Andrews, Julia Frances. The Significance of Style and Subject Matter in the Painting of Cui Zizhong. PhD dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1984.
page number: Reproduced: fig. 14, p. 298
Burkus, Anne Gail. The Artefacts of Biography in Chʻen Hung-Shou's Pao-Lun-Tʻang Chi. PhD dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, 1987.
page number: Reproduced: fig. 46, p. 637
Barnhart, Richard M., Xin Yang, Chongzheng Nie, James Cahill, Shaojun Lang, and Hung Wu. Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting. New Haven: Yale University Press; Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1997.
page number: Reproduced: p. 238, no. 222.
Shi, Shouqian 石守謙. Cong feng ge dao hua yi: fan si Zhongguo mei shu shi 從風格到畫意: 反思中國美術史 . Taibei: Shi tou chu ban, 2010.
page number: Mentioned and Reproduced: p. 298, fig. 185
Chou, Ju-hsi and Anita Chung. Silent poetry: Chinese paintings from the collection of the Cleveland Museum of Art. Cleveland, OH: Cleveland Museum of Art, 2015.
page number: Reproduced: pp. 299-307
Burnett, Katharine. "Weirder than Weird : 'Weird Figure' Painting of Luohans and Literati in Seventeenth-Century China." Artibus Asiae 84, n. 1 (2024): 81–109.
page number: Mentioned: p. 91; Reproduced: p. 101, fig. 13